Daily Health Check

  • Parents and caregivers are responsible to assess their children’s daily symptoms of illness that would limit their ability to participate fully in regular activities before coming to school to prevent the spread of communicable diseases within the school setting.

Staying Home & Return to School

  • Students who are exhibiting symptoms of illness should stay home until they are no longer contagious and able to participate fully in routine activities.  

  • The school refers to the document A Quick Guide to Common Childhood Diseases which can be accessed by clicking this link.

  • Parents/caregivers are asked to keep their child at home until they have been free of vomiting, fever, and diarrhea for a minimum of 24 hours without the aid of symptom reducing medications (such as Tylenol, Advil, etc.), or as recommended in A Quick Guide to Common Childhood Diseases

  • Anyone exhibiting symptoms of the common cold such as sneezing, runny nose, and sore throat, should stay home especially at the beginning of their illness as that is when they are most contagious.  Once they are feeling better and their symptoms are non-disruptive and manageable by the student at school, they may return to school.  

Getting Sick at School

  • If a student displays symptoms such as fever, vomiting, flu-like, or other symptoms and is clearly unwell, parents and caregivers will be called to pick up their child.  

  • Parents or caregivers are asked to arrive promptly when called.

Staff and Volunteers should follow this same principle.

Parents/caregivers should make arrangements with the class teacher to pick up missed work.

Parents/caregivers should call or email the school to let us know when a student will not be attending.  Please mention the symptoms the child is experiencing so the office can grant an excused absence.

Please support NCCS’ hygiene and respiratory etiquette guidance by encouraging your children to regularly wash their hands, and to cough/sneeze into an elbow, tissue, or shirt.

NCCS’ complete Communicable Disease Plan is available by clicking the button below.