School will consist of full time, in class instruction. For parents not wishing their children to attend school full time, your options are Homeschooling or some type of Distributed Learning (such as Heritage or what is offered from SD28). We are confident that children will be safe and school can once again be a happy, busy place enabling children to thrive, learn, and grow in knowledge, wisdom, and in favour with God and man.

NCCS follows the Ministry of Education guidelines to operate our school in a safe and healthy manner. This includes regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces both in the school and on the bus, and ensuring that only healthy persons are present in the school.


For Children - Each child will have a designated entry into the school (either using the classroom outside entrance or a building entry for classes not having direct outside access), to aid in this working optimally for the health and safety of your child.

Please have your children prepared for entering the school in the morning;

  • Wash their hands prior to coming to school.

  • Review the Health Check List (if you answer YES to any question you are asked to keep your child at home.

For Parents - All persons entering the school will sign a health check, and sanitize their hands upon entering the school. Please ring the doorbell and wait for an office staff to come to the door.


Mask requirements have been changed and are no longer a requirement, however each individual will be supported in their choice to wear a mask in the school.


Capacity on the NCCS bus has been returned to normal. Please ensure your student is healthy prior to sending them to school on the bus, and their hands should be sanitized prior to entering the bus.


It is the responsibility of the parents/caregivers to assess the health of their child each day using the health check. Anyone not feeling well should stay home until their symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.

If a child becomes ill while at school, we will call you, and ask the child to wear a mask and be isolated while they await someone to come and pick them up and take them home.

Please arrange to have someone available at an immediate request should the need arise to have your child picked up.

We thank you for your understanding and compliance during this time. While possibly inconvenient, these procedures are in place to help ensure the health of all at the school.

Returning to school

For those with symptoms consistent with COVID-19, students and vaccinated adults may return to school five days after the onset of symptoms, and ten days after the onset of symptoms for adults that are not vaccinated against COVID-19. For most other illnesses, students and staff may return to school 24 hours after symptoms pass without the use of medications.