Upcoming Events


Vendor Registration

Vendors that are part of NCCS or friends of NCCS may register before April 7 by filling out this form: Spring Market Vendor Registration Form

Prices for tables and spaces are as follows:

4 foot table - $10

6 foot table - $15

8 foot table - $20

If you do not need a table, just a space, please mark the ‘other’ option and give details. We will contact you with pricing.

Payment can be made by e-transfer to ‘e-transfer@nccschool.ca’ with ‘spring market’ in the memo line.

The proceeds of this market will go towards the Grade 9 graduation celebration and gifts.

Ready, Set, Learn!

Ready, Set, Learn is a free parent-involved program for children entering kindergarten in September of 2025 or 2026.   It will be held at North Cariboo Christian School at 2876 Red Bluff Road, in the library portable.  Please bring a pair of indoor shoes for your child if you have them. 

Please make arrangements for any younger children so you are available to do activities with your child.

Days:  Mondays and Thursdays

Dates:  April 7, 10, 14 & 17

Time:  8:30am - 10:30am

Please fill out the following form: 2025 Ready Set Learn Registration